Sunday, March 29, 2015

Seoung Hee (Sarah) Yoo, Process Analysis essay, Tue 56

How to gain financial stability while being broke

At one point, everyone goes through a financial crisis which could have been the result of miscalculating finances, simply spending too much or losing a job. It is needless to explain the agony and frustration that come along with being broke. However, there are various ways to overcome this hurdle from these three simple steps.

The first step is to calculate where you spend most of your money. Do you spend a lot of money socializing? Do you dine out often? After seeing where most of the expenditure go to, this is the starting point of where you make your financial cuts. When you are broke, you are no longer in a situation to afford luxuries. Stop spending money on the useless things. Cut down drinking, dining out, attending social functions or events and so on.

After making all the financial cuts, the next biggest objective is to save. Many people do not realize that saving the smallest amounts of money, even coins, can make a big difference to their finance. At the time, a couple of petty coins may look useless. However, over time it can accumulate to surprisingly large sums of money. Therefore, start saving money from the small things. Restrain yourself from buying a cup of coffee every day. When you go shopping, buy non-branded products. Take public transportation and make a coin collection. Try to save as must as you can.

The last step is to make a budget every week. Only calculate the amount of money you need in order to survive and refrain yourself from overspending. You may wonder, how can I survive? However, you need to learn how to live off from the minimal amount of money and resources. Learn how to recycle used products and re-use it as cleaning utensils so that you don't have to spend extra money. Don't use too much electricity or gas at home because ultimately, they sum to money. Learn how to entertain yourself without the use of technology like reading a book. It may look impossible, however, as long as you have the determination, there will be immediate changes to your finances.

After following these three simple steps, you will eventually escape the torment of being broke in no time. When you do, don't forget to continue to make budgets and calculate your expenditure to maintain your financial stability.


1 comment:

  1. You have a sentence that seems to work like a thesis but it does not clearly state your outline as efficiently. Rather than shortening your paragraph outline into three steps, writing it more specifically will work better. You used connecting words well in front of each paragraph, although you forgot to indent.
    Thank you for a good writing. I enjoyed. :)
