Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Gayeon Lee/What makes HUSans study abroad?/Tue 5-6

What Makes HUFSans Study Abroad?


Gayeon Lee

                 I have five close girl friends in HUFS. They are Koreans but all of them are abroad. Three of them are in Tunisia, studying Arabian language, one in Germany, and the other one in China. The school offers various kinds of study-abroad programs and a lot of students are leaving this country every year to study foreign language and its culture. I am also thinking of taking an English linguistics course in the United Kingdom next year. Then why so many students are studying abroad?


                 For a start, study-abroad programs in HUFS are economical. There are basically two kinds of exchange programs; exchange student program and 7+1 semester program. The most economical one is exchange student program. Exchange students do not pay the tuition fee at the counterpart university, so they only pay the tuition at HUFS. The other one is 7+1 semester program, which provides students with a broader opportunity to study abroad. The way you pay the tuition is exactly the opposite of the exchange student scholarship. Students studying abroad pay the tuition fee at the foreign college and not at HUFS. This is especially cost-effective when the counterpart college's tuition fee is low such as those in Germany.


                 Most of the students decide to study abroad because in that way, you can improve the language ability in a minimum period of time. Unlike English, which is a quite common second language, limited number of people is learning foreign languages like Arabian, Turkish, and Swedish in Korea. This means you have little access to those languages, which makes it hard to achieve the ideal language ability. In order to learn a language, surrounding environment is as important as the student's will to master one. One of my close friends recently studying in Tunisia states that her Arabian improved more during the first three months in Tunisia than the past three years in Korea. This example clearly shows why students majoring in foreign language decide to go abroad.


                 Studying abroad also has a benefit of developing oneself as a better person. People say that it is now a planet of globalization but if you want to acquire fluency in a foreign language, you need to learn its culture and more significantly to be in the country. By experiencing different cultures from their own, students can broaden and enrich the way they see the world. For example, when I was in high school, we had a discussion about the solutions of decreasing birthrate. While we were repeating the same words, one of my classmates who had lived in Norway came up with an idea to provide an obligatory maternity leave to both man and woman—so it's parental leave—as the present woman-only maternity leave has a side effect that companies prefer male to female. His idea impressed the whole classmates and he wouldn't have such an idea at his age if he didn't experience the culture where equal rights are highly respected.


                 Many friends of my age are currently studying overseas or at least planning to apply for the exchange student scholarship. Even I, too, decided to study abroad. There are three main reasons why students, especially HUFSans, decide to study overseas; the school provides cost effective programs, it is a good change to improve their language ability, and they can broaden their view of life.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Serikkyzy Meruert/The Effects of Teenage Relationships/ Tue 5-6

Different relationships affect teenagers in various ways. Friends impact teenagers almost the same amount as their parents. Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask questions that they could not ask their parents about. Most of the time their friends give them good advice but then there is the down side when they put pressure on their friends to do something like to smoke, drink, and do drugs. In most cases they tell their friends how to dress and act when around certain people. Love relationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good education. Some start to fail in school because they are hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead of doing their work. Throughout adolescence, teenagers are positively and negatively impacted by several relationships such as friends, family, and love relationships.
Friends have a big influence on teenagers because they can say and do many of things to teenagers who think they were friends. They also start rumors and take their friends girlfriend or boyfriend and have them cheat on their friend. Some go out to drink, smoke, or to do drugs just to have fun but some think of driving home and most teenagers do not even make it to their driveways. Some teenagers who are so depressed about their social problems even think about committing suicide. Most start to hurt others turn into "goth's" by dressing in all black. Many of depressed people show how they feel by dressing differently by acting out and hurting others in school.
Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and 90% of them grow up to act and do things just like their parents did with them. Teenagers who have parents that are in jail, or do drugs do not always have a good education or a household. 
As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their friends, family, and their love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most teenagers change their ideas about how they should live their lives in a different way and to change their future goals. They should be influenced to help themselves or to help others.
They should also be role models for young students at school. Teenagers should get more involved with their community as stated in the first few paragraphs. If they get more involved in other activities there will most likely be a drop in teen violence. The community could be a cleaner and safer place for teenagers if they get more involved in their towns and cities. 
They should also volunteer for jobs like being as firefighter, highway trash collector, nurse that goes around and helps the elderly. If teens get involved in those jobs they would be helping the whole community.

Tyan Irina/ Mercy/Tue 5 6

What for us mercy? How we understand it?

I think our level of  responsiveness began to decline. Why? We have several reasons for that.

The first reason for the lack of mercy, I see that we have to live well. Everything we safely, comfortably and snugly without shock . Knowingly often cite the example of front-line time, I think that it is years of deprivation, suffering and pain, for that reason every person in pain, can keen sense of the suffering of others. At that time, people were able to mutual aid, charity and love. When we are well, we do not think about other people and we care little for other people's problems. We eat well, sleep on a soft bed and drive at a comfortable car. All of this makes us heartless. We do not even want to know how things can be bad in others. Because so we protect our comfort and peace. People are starving in Africa, but it did not bother us. Only a few of us are able to sacrifice their own comfort for the sake of others. Doctors, volunteers, researchers . Such people forget about their problems to help others.

The second reason for our human obduracy  is such qualities as cowardice and cruelty. We pass by, afraid to get involved in other people's problems. . Before the children were taught to help others and since kindergarten, every child knew it was good and right. Now the situation has changed backward. Parents are constantly told that you should not trust anyone and everyone should defend himself. So if suddenly on the street person becomes ill, many just pass without trying to help. Or, for example, a person walks unsteadily, and that if he was not drunk, but he bad? Such cases happen a lot when a person happens to stroke or heart attack, and we take him for a drunk. So if suddenly on the street person becomes ill, many just pass without trying to help. Or, for example, a person walks unsteadily, and that if he was not drunk, but he bad? Such cases happen a lot when a person happens to stroke or heart attack, and we take him for a drunk. Perhaps because of the callousness people may die, but we do not take it to heart, and live well without any sense of guilt.

Let us be attentive to each other, do not pass by the problems and try to help everyone with the hope that once and help you. I am sure that all is not lost, and we can melt ice in  our hearts.


Yerezhepova Darina/TUE 5 6 /Assassin from store shelf

Assassin from store shelf


Billions of people drink Coke while you are reading this text, despite the fact that a vast number of research studies and position papers confirm the damage of each of its components. Influence of Coke on human health is perhaps one of the most popular controversial topic at heated dispute in the scientific world. Among real effects of drinking Coca-Cola on human's health I would mark obesity, destruction of bone tissue and kidney stone disease.


Recent researches have shown that the main culprit of the modern obesity epidemic is sweet soda, as well as any product with a high sugar quantity, not burgers and French fries as we use to think. Of course, obesity is caused not only by Coca-Cola, but we must consider the fact that globally, the number of obese people increases in proportion to the consumption of Coke. This influence of Coca-Cola on the human health could be forgiven unless obesity is aesthetically unattractive. Nevertheless, obese person gets at best predisposition to  terrible diseases such as type II diabetes, cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction, etc. increased tenfold. If you think these problems can be avoided by drinking  low-calorie coke without sugar, you are sadly mistaken. In 2013, researchers found that people who consume low-calorie sodas are experiencing the same problems with weight gain, and that people prefer soda with sugar. In addition, people who regularly use diet soda, add as high as 70% of their weight within 2 years.


Apart from  obesity, drinking Coke leads to the immediate removal of calcium from the body. Japanese scientists from Hirosaki University showed that in two hours after drinking a can of Coke, the amount of calcium in urine increased. This is due to the fact that the Coca-Cola, as in some other drinks, contains many orthophosphoric acid (used, for example, for etching dental teeth) - it masks a great amount of sugar and promotes the excretion of calcium. As a result, drinking large amounts of such beverages leads to the fact that bones and teeth also lose their strength and hardness due to leaching of calcium. It is not worth mentioning that the locomotor system is an integral part of human performance and life-sustaining activity. At first, it will not be so noticeable, but over time, it will be impossible to escape appointments with the dentist or traumatologist on the condition of periodic drinking Coca-Cola. A simple experiment allows us to see this on our own- a human tooth rust, and then completely dissolved in a glass of Coca-Cola.


As indicated above, Coke promotes leaching of calcium from bones. However, this is not the last link in the chain. On top of everything else leaching of the salts of calcium from bones increases their concentration in the blood, whereby crystals form in the kidney, and subsequently kidney stones appear. In fairness, it should be noted that influence of other soft drinks were also tested, but only Coke has a similar effect on the human kidney. Kidney stone disease is a very dangerous illness that can lead to the loss of one or both kidneys, as you must have guessed, a person can live even with one, but healthy kidney, to live with diseased kidney is physically impossible.


Taking everything into consideration, it needs to be said that the danger of Coke is absolutely clear. Coca-Cola affects the vital organs of the body such as the heart, kidneys and musculoskeletal system. So, before you let the assassin from store shelves kill your health, remember that health is the most expensive thing that money can not buy


Bayakhmetova Bibinur/Effects of love/Tues 5-6

     Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that person is capable of experiencing. People can not live happily without love. Love has many faces. We love our parents, children, husbands and wives, friends, but in different way, in a special way. There is no difference whom we love. The true love always means understanding, respect, helpfulness, protect, the ability to make sacrifices for the sake of a loved one.
     The power of love is that it evokes a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul, can save lives. It's that feeling when our soul is the most open supreme principles of goodness, truth and beauty. A person who loves not only requires but also gives, not only craves pleasure, but also ready for the highest feats of self-denial. A genuine love is an expression of creativity, it requires care, respect, and responsibility. Love is an important part of human life. To love someone or something, you must first respect it. But first of all, you need to respect yourself, because if you do not like and do not respect yourself, it is very difficult to love and respect others. We must learn to accept yourself, appreciate yourself, no matter what others think or say about you.
     We create love ourselves. It is not the result of fate and luck. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved. To love, we need to learn. The true love overcomes everything, all the covers, all forgiving. Love is probably when you love the other person's flaws too. The power of love is manifested in the fact that it can open dignity of the person, to awaken in him something beautiful.
     Love creates in us an uncontrollable desire to do good deeds. For a person who loves all the world seems beautiful and significant. Everyday things become important and even pleasant and performed with some special ease. No wonder love is considered to be the elixir of life. It awakens the latent powers of person.
     Still love is indecipherable, has no precise definition. Love is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality faced by people. And not because it is believed that from love to hate is just one step, but because "neither count nor calculate" love is impossible! In love, it is impossible to be petty and incompetent. It requires generosity and talent, the vigilance of the heart, the breadth of the soul, kind and subtle mind.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Edward Yom/Causes of Cancer Revision/Tues 5~6

Causes of Cancer


     Cancer is the second common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths yet people do not know what causes cancer thus can not take any precautions. Other than smoking, there are numerous other factors that causes cancer. Some of the factor that cause cancer are heredity, polluted environments, and unhealthy eating. 


     Cancer can be passed down through an abnormal gene caused by a mutation. However, the abnormal gene doesn't always cause cancer. Only five to ten percent of all cancers are due to genetic reasons. People should be more worried if cancer is present on one side of the family. Meaning, if your mom and your mom's mom has cancer you should be more careful. In many cases, genetic cancer leads to a rare type of cancer like kidney cancer, and occurs before one is twenty years old.


     Kurt Straif, PhD, head of the IARC Monographs Section, said, "The air we breathe is filled with cancer-causing substances." According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, air pollution increases the chances of lung cancer and bladder cancer. The main cancer causing factor in the air is carcinogens which comes from a combination of factors such as but not limited to diesel engine exhaust, solvents, metals, and dust.


     In the UK, one in ten cancers are due to an unhealthy diet. People eat different types of food in different amounts making it difficult to pinpoint one factor that causes cancer. Although there are various variables whether it be excess nutrients and chemicals or the lack of it; one common factor was eating less than five portions of fruit and vegetables a day which amounted to more than half of the cancer caused due to an unhealthy diet. Other factors include eating too much red meat, not eating enough fiber and eating too much salt. Obesity puts one at risk of esophageal cancer, kidney cancer and gallbladder cancer. It can also lead to breast or uterine cancer for women. GMOs, processed meats, microwaved popcorn, soda pop, refined flour and sugar, and hydrogenated oils are also known to put one at a higher risk of getting cancer.


     Cancer is easy to treat if it is found early, and the right treatment is taken. Unfortunately, people usually do not know what causes cancer, and believe they are safe if they do not smoke or drink. Since cancer doesn't show any immediate symptoms, it is important to know which factors may cause cancer, and take appropriate measures. It is recommended that you get a checkup every six months. After all, it is better safe than sorry.   

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bayakhmetova Bibinur/Health is better thar wealth /Tuesday 5,6

The topic health is one of the urgent problems because you can`t buy health whatever money you have. If you are ill, you will be outstripped by business rivals, your trip will not take place in such a situation and altogether your life will pass by quickly.

Maybe some of you will disagree with me and will say that they will are rich and can buy health because they have a lot of money that let them buy necessary medicaments when they are ill. It`s well-known fact, even for children, that health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. Therefore, it`s impossible to buy health. I should say that there are 85% of people who prefer health to wealth. Though we are not eager to learn the truth about our health, we also don`t want to be poor and ill. Well, what are we going to sacrifice in the name of our health?

Almost one third is ready to sacrifice everything they have. So, it sounds resolutely, but in most cases it means that we don`t want to sacrifice anything. Then, we call the things like alcohol and smoking our enemies. Every fourth will say good-bye to the car, every fifth will say good-bye to their mobile phone and computer. But least of all that we are ready to give up from our friends, our flat and our job. One can understand this in such a situation that we have in our modern world. The fact of being healthy but without job, home, friends and money is only for those who are called yogis.

The formula of the success consists of three elements which are the following: positive mood, sport and health care.

Certainly you need money in order to pay for medical treatment or to buy fitness membership card but still even if you are rich, you can`t buy treatment for cancer of AIDS. So, before you will say that you may buy everything in this world including health, think twice.

Gayeon Lee/Cause-Effect Essay/TUE 5-6


What Makes HUFSans Study Abroad?


Gayeon Lee


                 I have five close girl friends in HUFS. They are all Koreans but all of them are abroad. Three of them are in Tunisia, studying Arabian language, one in Germany, and the other one in China. The school offers various kinds of study-abroad programs and a lot of students are leaving this country every year to study foreign language and its culture. I am also planning to take an English linguistics course in the United Kingdom next year. Then why so many students are studying abroad?


                 For a start, study-abroad programs in HUFS are economical. There are basically two kinds of exchange programs; Exchange student program and 7+1 semester program are those. First and the most economical one is the exchange student program. It offers a full scholarship at the counterpart university, so the student only pays his or her tuition fees at HUFS. The other one is 7+1 semester program, which provides students with a broader opportunity to study abroad. The way you pay the tuition is exactly the opposite of the exchange student scholarship. Students studying abroad pay the tuition at the foreign college and not at HUFS. This is especially cost-effective when the counterpart college's tuition fee is low such as those in Germany.


                 Most of the students decide to study abroad because in that way, you can improve the language ability in a minimum period of time. Unlike English, which is a quite common second language, limited number of people is learning foreign languages like Arabian, Turkish, and Swedish in Korea. This means you have little access to those languages, which makes it hard to achieve the ideal language ability. In order to learn a language, surrounding environment is as important as the student's will to master one. One of my close friends recently studying in Tunisia states that her language improved more during the first three months in Tunisia than the past three years in Korea. This example clearly shows why students majoring in modern languages decide to study abroad.


                 Studying abroad also has a benefit of developing oneself as a better person. People say that it is now a planet of globalization but if you want to acquire a foreign language and learn its culture thoroughly, you need to be in the country. By experiencing different cultures from his or her own, students can broaden and enrich the way they see the world. For example when I was in high school, we had a discussion about the solutions of decreasing birthrate. While we were repeating the same words, one of my classmates who had lived in Norway came up with an idea to provide a obligatory maternity leave to both man and woman—so it's parental leave—as the present woman-only maternity leave has a side effect that companies prefer male to female. His idea impressed the whole classmates and he wouldn't have such an idea at his age if he didn't experience the culture in which equal rights is more respected than Korea.


                 Many friends of my age are currently studying overseas or at least planning to apply for the exchange student scholarship. Even I, too, decided to study abroad and the school itself is full of exchange students from all over the world. There are three main  reasons why students, especially HUFSans, decide to study overseas; HUFSans study abroad because the school provides cost effective programs, it is a good change to improve their language ability, and they can broaden their view of life.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sarah Yoo, The effects of laughter, Tues 56

The effects of laughter

People say that laughter is the best medicine. Most people think that this an instructed rhetoric to ease the pain and discomfort of patients. Due to enhanced technology, people have become more reliant on science to seek answers to their illnesses rather than to take natural remedies. What people don't see is that the human mind controls the body, even its sicknesses, and the effects of laugher is more powerful than any antidote. The benefits of laughter are abundant, starting from physical and mental health benefits to social benefits.

In order to look at the effects of laughter, we need to understand what happens when we laugh. Laughter relieves the tension in the body and relaxes the muscles for up to 45 minutes after. The act of laughing also triggers the release of endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel good. Endorphin plays an essential role in our body as it is what promotes the overall sense of wellbeing that can even temporarily relieve pain. Another important factor is laughter decreases these stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. Consequently, the more you laugh, the more you improve resistance to disease. The effects of laughter and what it can do to our body to help fight disease and intruding bacteria is incredible.

Laughter plays a crucial role not only to maintain physical wellbeing, but also our mental wellbeing. Our brain controls the whole body and is consistently working to keep our body balanced. Therefore, it is important to keep our brains clear and focused. This can achieved simply from laughing. Laughing enable people to see situations clearly under realistic light, and helps people to overcome difficulties without feeling overwhelmed. Furthermore, laughing relieves stress which is one of the causes of illness, and it also increases our energy to help us stay focused and accomplish more. The healthier our mind is, the healthier our body gets.

Lastly, laughing with others is much more powerful than laughing alone. Humor can strengthen relationships by fostering emotional connection. Shared laughter is a tool for keeping relationships fresh, exciting and fun. It is what unites people in times of difficulty and pain. Through laughter, people learn to become spontaneous and adventurous when they let go of their problems. Laughter is also a good means of expressing one's feelings whether they are emotions of love, happiness or contentment. People are more attracted to those who are bright and happy which can be seen through how often you laugh. The happier you are, the more you will attract others around you.

In conclusion, it is extraordinary how a single act of laughing can help us overcome times of difficulty, loneliness, pain and illness. Although the belief that laughter is the best cure may seem trivial, without a doubt, laughter is a natural remedy to most of our illnesses. Furthermore, we need to laugh a lot in order to sustain good physical, mental and social heath.  


​HUANGKUNYANG/ Cause of blind love / Tues5.6

                       HUANGKUNYANG/ Cause of blind love / Tues5.6
      In love, college students are not very clear on this purpose. There are indications that many college students love seems to be a fashionable, just kind of Love contentment; Even worse, some students actually ridicule love, the love of life as a way to pass the amateur and resolve loneliness channels.
     First. Love for Love. This part of the students in order to enrich their college life, their emotions more than sensible ingredients. Once there is love in the voice call is like a "lonely Indus" as issued happy to respond from the heart. Their faith is "do not last forever, as long as ever owned," or "just to have more material possessions seeking" to focus only on the love of the process, regardless of the results.
  Second, In order to get rid of loneliness and love. This part of the university students that reading is an ascetic, very lonely, lonely, only talk about love, in order to solve temporary difficulties. This love is called "lonely in love." Usually this part of the university students have massive time to play , but they feel it is not meaningful for their life and waste time, on the contrary, they want to have a love affair, from then., they not only achieve their studies but also get love. They are very satisfied.  
Third, for the pursuit of money, fame, status and love. This part of the students believe in a market economy society, youth, love is but a commodity only, as long as the exchange of money, fame, status, love can give. Talk about feelings without conditions, it is living in a vacuum, the emotions of love should also have bread and coffee, so frequently produce various deformities love.
Finally, for a test and love. This part of the students in the school love is like a test,Species experimental field, obtain first-hand information on the success already, unsuccessful gain experience. They believe that the young do not learn the recipe while now, will come over the ship can be incredible community. They can get out "Communication - love - get married," the traditional trilogy of love that love does not have to commit for life. As a result, the campus will be a "contractual love" in the school affectionate, mentally fill in the blanks with each other, and some even in off-campus rental cohabitation, but when they graduate, said another voice, "bye."
In a words, I think this lack of a sense of responsibility and seriousness blind "loneliness of love", is a very dangerous game, is not desirable attitude towards life.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Seung Hyun Kang/Limited Water, Unlimited Backfire/Tues 5,6

Limited Water, Unlimited Backfire

           It's been a while since the news issuing draught of Korea took over the first page of most newspapers. Korea is the country where water runs short, but many people use large amount of water without acknowledging the fact. There are various factors that affect the water shortage. Natural disaster like draught is the first, and the pollution of water is the second. Also, many people seem to forget the seriousness of water shortage, but it is a huge disaster for the mankind.

What human use to wash, eat and manufacture are freshwater which is only 2.5 percent of the whole water supply of the Earth. Seawater is the most abundant water source, but salt and impurities included in it hinders the further use of sea water. Water has the cycle of flowing towards the ocean, evaporating and returning as the part of weather phenomena. Due to the cycle, the water supply may seem constant on every place, but it is not. Earth's weather is very complicated. The weather change on the other side of the Earth may affect Korea's weather as well. All weather changes are organically connected. So sometimes periodically, and sometimes suddenly, natural disasters like draught takes place. Draught happens when water cycle is broke. Evaporation process still takes place, but the process of raining and snowing is not enough to resupply the evaporated amount of water. If draught goes on for years, it fatally influences the water supply. Although the technology development of water supply control helped the country to suffer less severe water shortage during draught season, the amount of water that people can use is still limited.

Pollution is another factor that affects water supply of a country. Water is polluted as people use water as domestic and industrial purposes. Domestic water waste is something that comes from people's living. People cook, wash, eat, drink and do variety of things with water. As we live, we pollute water. These wastes were not much several hundred years ago, but the amount doubled and tripled as people developed and improved their living. For industrial purposes, people mix chemicals with water and it cannot be used until it is purified within chemical process. Earth itself has natural purification process but it could not purify the huge amount of waste water that humans made. So people had to purify water on their own. Even if water is polluted, people can use the water by purifying them. However, some of these purification processes are complicated and it need huge amount of money. Accordingly, severely polluted water went out of use, which led to the water shortage.

What happens when water resource is limited? Many scientists and experts have given out several extreme endings human will face in the future when water shortage goes on. All the animals, including human and plants cannot live without water. Land without water becomes desert, where not much plants and animals live. First, it will lead to the shortage of food and basic resources. Deserted lands are hard to develop and manufacture something. Some products need water requisitely. Water shortage will limit these products' production. Second and third, it will lead to shortage of land resource and other goods. Water price will hike through the price ceiling as it is the fatal source for living but has to be purified. People, who are unable to pay for the price will wash less, drink less or use dirty water as a secondary option. Fourth, it will lead to disease increase and majorities' health failure. In the end, since water resource is limited but needed, the third World War will break out in the extreme ending.

           Water is not abundant in every place. Its shortage is much severe problem than what people think. In long run, the shortage can lead to another shortage which will affect human fatally and furthermore, lead to the disastrous future of World War; the war for survival. People of Korea and the world should be aware of these facts and stop the overuse of water and pollution of water.


Se-ho LEE/How the fine dust affects/Tuesday 5-6

How the fine dust affects


Seriousness of fine dust is making headlines these days. Fine dust also known as PM-10 is the air blowing from the south Asia to Korea on the westerly wind and contains heavy metals and other harmful ingredients because many country of middle Asia mainly depend on fossil fuel. It causes many problems in our society at large.


Fine dust reduces production rate of farms. Plant photosynthesizes to reach full growth but fine dust blocks sunlight making some crops infructuous and containing less nutrients. Live stocks are affected from it because they live mainly on grass. Fine dust is also not good at their health because harmful and fine particles pass through their body and causes many diseases. There are some research results that fine dust promotes infectious diseases like FMD (Foot-and-Mouth Disease).


Fine dust also affects our industries. Industries making food or pharmaceuticals are put stress on cleanliness but dusts getting into factory make product useless and in unfortunate case, company should recall their products already in the market. Factories making semiconductor or display for home appliances are no exception. These kinds of products demand very precise manufacturing process so a particle of dust can cause defective goods finally ending up with recall and damage to their profits. Factories using precision machine to manufacture product are hard put to it in same reason.


The most important thing is that fine dust badly affects human body. Fine particles pass into our respiratory organ and cause disease like rhinitis, asthma. Particularly heavy metal component of dust can trigger lung cancer. Dust also arouses our pores of skin and causes hair loss and atopic dermatitis. If our body is exposed to fine dust long time, the possibility of stroke is increased because fine dust could block vessels. What is worse, embryo in their mother's womb could be affected with diseases like polio because of fine dust.


The intensity of fine dust is now stronger and the cycle length of its appearing gets shorter. The government laid out some present improvement plans but there is no sign of getting better. So it is important to protect ourselves by not exposed to fine dust by checking level of it through weather forecast. Also long-term measures should be taken at the government level.

Edward Yom/Causes of Cancer/Tues 5~6

Edward Yom


Causes of Cancer


     Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. However, to this day most of the people do not know what causes cancer, thus can not take any precautions. Other than smoking, there are numerous other factors that causes cancer. Some of the factor that cause cancer are heredity, polluted environments, and unhealthy eating. 


     Cancer itself can not be passed down, but a mutation, which is an abnormal gene that may lead to cancer in the near future could be inherited. However, only five to ten percent of all cancers are due to genetic reasons. People should be more worried if cancer is present on one side of the family. Meaning, if your mom and your mom's mom has cancer you should be more careful. In many cases, genetic cancer is a rare type of cancer like kidney cancer, and occurs before twenty years.


     Kurt Straif, PhD, head of the IARC Monographs Section, said, "The air we breathe is filled with cancer-causing substances." According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), air pollution increases the chances of lung cancer and bladder cancer. The main cancer causing factor in the air is carcinogens which comes from a combination of factors such as but not limited to diesel engine exhaust, solvents, metals, and dust.


     In the UK, one in ten cancers are due to an unhealthy diet. Since people eat different types of food that contain different nutrients and chemicals in different amounts, it is hard to pinpoint one food that causes cancer. However, some of the common factors that were found is eating less than five portions of fruit and vegetables a day which amounted to more than half of the cancer caused due to an unhealthy diet. Other factors include eating too much red meat, not eating enough fiber and eating too much salt. Obesity but one at risk of oesophageal cancer, kidney cancer and gallbladder cancer. In addition to breast or uterine cancer for women. Some foods that put one at a higher risk of getting cancer are GMOs, processed meats, microwaved popcorn, soda pop, refined flour and sugar, and hydrogenated oils. 


     If it is found early, and the right treatment is taken, cancer can be treated easily. However, people usually do not know what causes cancer, and believe they are safe if they do not smoke or drink. Since cancer doesn't have any immediate pain, it is important to know which factors may cause cancer, and take appropriate measures. It is recommended that you get a checkup every six months. After all, it is better safe than sorry.   

Lee Dong hyun/ Process Analysis Essay/ Tuesday 56

Parents' Wrath

             It is a common sense that everything happens for a reason. If there is a cause, there should also be what it causes afterwards. In our everyday lives, especially in our family environment, all sorts happenings have their own causes. When parents are angry, children usually tend to think that they are angry with no reason. However, in such case, there is also definite causes for parents' wrath followed by consequences.

             To begin with, there are financial causes for parents' anger. When children spend a huge sum of money on unnecessary costs such as eating luxurious food or purchasing expensive fashion items, parents become frustrated. Especially if the family belongs to a low-income family where a majority amount of income is spent on food, children's huge spending worsens the problem. Then, the effect will be reduction in allowances and the children will have to suffer the pain of budget cuts.

             Also, there are behavioral factors that causes parents to be angry and upset. Parents' number one priority is undoubtedly their children. Their safety and well-beings are the parents' most important matters. However, if the children fail to ease their parents, they will soon be upset. For instance, if the children come home late after playing games with their friends or drinking, their mother and father will of course be upset, not even knowing the reasons. It is because regardless of the reason, parents are concerned that something may have happened to their kids. The consequences may be setting up curfews especially for girls or grounding if worse to teach the children a lesson.

             Furthermore, a prevalent cause especially within Korea is related to employment. Many parents are worried that their kids will not be able to a get a job or one that is stable and has a high rate of payment. Since within Korean society, early preparation as early as from elementary school, is considered necessary for a decent career, parents are anxious about their children's future. For example, if their children do not get a good grade in their college, the parents become frustrated. They rebuke their kids even though they are already full-grown adults. The effect of such is that children become more dependent on their parents after they become adults, relying on them more frequently.

             It is unreasonable to claim that parents are always angry and upset without any reasons. There are clear causes for their frustration and the children ought to know them beforehand. The causes are related to financial reasons, behavioral aspects and career factors' each of them are followed by consequences or effects. By becoming aware of these causes, the children can be more careful with their behaviors not to upset their parents but rather make them proud.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Se-ho LEE/How to apply contact lenses/Tuesday 5-6

How to apply one-day contact lenses on tiny eyes


My friends used to make fun of me that my eyes look like button hole but I did not care about it because I think it's not that serious. And it was New Year's Day that my families were gathered after a long time. During the meal my uncle chuckled and said "Hey son, you're getting taller whenever I see you but your eyes are getting smaller." Of course I knew it was a joke but one-day contact lenses were what I bought instead of new glasses. But I faced with harsh reality that my eyes are not big enough to apply (and it's also what optician said) lenses easily though I learned few ways to make easier to do it.

Before trying to apply lenses, it is wise for you to choose where to do it. For example, when I tried it first time, I did it in bathroom and this idea was quite wrong. I thought bathroom is a perfect place because it has big mirror above sink and I didn't know what would happen if I fail to do it. It was hard to do than I thought and I failed several times. And when I tried again for the fourth time I calmed myself down and looked in the mirror and then realized that a lens was not on my finger. It pissed me off so badly and I tried to find lens cursing it loudly but had no idea where it was. The lens were so tiny (but rather big to apply on my tiny eyes, got me more resentful), transparent and even not a color lens. I finally found it stuck in drain hole and could not get it out. It sometimes happened even when I used to applying lenses. So it's better to choose the place where you can easily find the lens in case of dropping it until you have got skilled.

If you found proper place it's time to put your lens on your finger. I really want to tell you which hand and which finger is the best but I can't. Optician said to me that right hand would be good if I am right-hander. I trusted him entirely so when I applied lenses in the first time I tried with my middle finger of right hand. The result was constant fails and several sink-hole-drops. It was after a number of infuriating times and blaming on my tiny eyes that I decided to use other fingers or another hand. And I found that the forefinger of left hand is the best for me that was directly opposite to what optician said. So I recommend you to try all! Forefinger or middle finger of right hand and same fingers of left hand are your possible choices. Just don't try with your ring finger or little finger.

Now you look into your left or right eye in the mirror. The eye is diamond shape and usually pupil is exposed completely in the middle of your eye. But in case of small eyes like mine, the pupil is not exposed enough even though you located in the middle. So you should find perfect position that your pupil is most exposed and spread your eyelid with your fingers. Let me suppose for example that you decide to put lens on your forefinger of your left hand. Then you pull up the upper eyelid with fore or middle finger of your right hand. At this moment, the most important thing is you should pull up eye lashes either. Usually people think that the blink when lens reach the pupil is main cause of failure but for the tiny eyed man, it's hardly the issue as compared to the eyelash problem. It is so hard to control eyelashes with finger that I even thought the lashes have a sense of themselves so desperately trying to do their job which is protecting the eyes from the foreign substances (when I failed in the fifth time I felt like want to pluck them all). Anyway you should do the same thing with the lower eyelid with your middle finger of your left hand and put the lens on the pupil slowly. If you put eyelashes away perfectly, the lens slide and cling to pupil freely. And close your eye and wait few seconds until the lens is settled. You succeed? Then now you can do with your opposite eye more easily.

Actually there are no particularly fixed ways to apply contact lenses on your eyes but the above contents are what I experienced so I hope it would be a help to the tiny eyed people who want to use contact lenses. And I would add, one-day contact lenses are slightly bigger than other kind of lenses so it's good to choose other kind like hard-type lenses. Or just keep using glasses is also recommended for your mental health. But if you keep in mind the tips derived from my own experiences and try several times without giving up, you'll get more beautiful and big eyes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Loving Myself

Young Hong



Self-confidence is about how much pride and love one has for themselves. Self-confidence is rooted from self-esteem and unfortunately, there are no definitive ways to achieve self-confidence. However, there are several steps one can take in order to love themselves. Understanding yourself, enjoying your company and having faith in yourself are all fundamental to gain self-love.

To attain self-confidence, it is important to understand and know yourself. Without this knowledge it would be difficult to be truly happy being under one's own skin. Being aware of the hobbies that you like to recognising your values are all signs of how much you understand yourself. People often get arrogance confused with self-confidence and understanding oneself is key to that difference. Furthermore, it is also important to act upon the knowledge one has. For instance, being aware of your values isn't enough. It is about living life in accordance to one's values that brings happiness.

Next in line would be the ability to enjoy one's company. As our society is becoming more and more SNS based, this has become an ability (yes, ability) that not many individuals have. Readers switched from books to facebook, news we receive are from our news feed. To achieve self confidence, we need to stop depending on our peers as our source of entertainment and start picking up the hobbies that we used to have, before technology took over. Extroverts and introverts alike, both need to spend quality time with their individual self in order to exude self confidence. If one can't enjoy their own company, how can they expect others to?

Last but not least, have faith. Having faith is not only knowing and believing in your best qualities, but also believing in the choices that one makes. Even if it was a bad one. Mistakes are often made but that should not affect the conviction we have of ourselves. Things go wrong all the time but trust that everything will be alright because at the very least, you have yourself.

Self confidence is vital to gain happiness in the sort of world we are living in today. Self confidence is valuing our life and others' regardless of the situation we are in. To build self esteem and to emanate confidence understanding ourselves, enjoying our alone time, having faith are all mandatory.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Seung Hyun Kang/Adopting a Family/Tues 5-6

           People have been living with animals from ancient times. They tamed animals for various reasons and today, this taming settled as adopting pets. Types of pets vary from common types to extraordinary ones. I myself adopted pets like goldfish, turtles, chickens, lovebirds and guinea-pig ever since my childhood. As some of you might as well want to adopt a pet like I did, I would like to inform you of how to properly bring a pet to your house. The three stages that you have to go through are collecting information, preparing for adoption, and adapting pets to your life.

           Knowing about what kind of the pet you want to adopt or you will adopt, is very important. Some irresponsible people just bring a pet to their house and leave it without care. Some later abandon them as they notice that taking care of pets was a very bothersome job. If you do not want to become one of those "irresponsible" people, first, look up for the information of the pet you want to adopt. The information includes the experience of the pet breeders and other encyclopedia information of the animal's habitat and characteristics. After knowing more about them, think of your characteristics, schedules and financial status. A pet, as well as human, needs a regular medical check-up, healthy food and other convenience. Ask yourself whether you are a person that is capable enough to handle pet poops and have the pet cleaned. Ask yourself whether you are thinking of this matter seriously or not. Adopting a pet requires more patience than having a housemate. Think of your economic status. When you think you really want a pet in your house and have enough money to take care of one, prepare for the real adoption.

           For adoption, you can simply go to a pet store and adopt the pet you want. Or, you can surf internet blogs and cafes and adopt one from pet breeders. Maybe, you can adopt one from one of your acquaintances. There are numerous routes for adoption. However, do not bring the pet right away to your place. You have to first, clean your place, and buy the essential things for the pet. Cleaning before adoption is important. You can let the pet to get used to your place easily by getting rid of some things that the pet does not like or dangerous to the pet. Essential things for pet, for example, are the pet's house and food. Pet food is to feed the pet properly. Pet house is needed because you cannot let it roam around everywhere and have your bed as its house. Buying a pet house is meant to restrict its area of activity. When this is all ready, adopt a pet from nearby pet shop or other pet breeders. Before bringing them home, make sure to visit a veterinarian and get a medical checkup.

           After bringing the pet to your house, everything complicated seems to have ended. Actually, it's not. The most complicated part of this whole adoption process is adapting to each other. Animals are very sensitive about invasion of their habitat. It can also be applied to human. For example, many people feel interrupted and uncomfortable with somebody else like brothers, sisters, or any other people bursting into their room all of a sudden. When people adopt pets, it can be said as an invasion of both the owner and the pet's private space. Most newly adopted pets feel nervous and sometimes panic with the fact of being in an unfamiliar place. It is important for you, who became pet owners, to help the pet to get used to you and the new habitat. Stay in your pet's sight as much as possible and slowly let them get used to you. It will also help you to understand what your pet does and how it reacts to something. When this stage is not properly over, some pets may have to be sent back to their original place.

           Sharing your house with a pet is more of a trouble than what many people think. Before adopting a pet, think carefully of your decision. There are some things you have to consider like the expense and forming relationship with the pet. Pets are not just animals that decorate your house. They are part of your life like your family, regardless of species. When you decided to bring the pet, take responsibility of it.


Bibinur Bayakhmetova/The stages of a holiday/Tuesday 5.6

  The people who lived a long time ago in the past did not know about the compass and did not use the clock and they could determine the exact date via the sun and moon. They had used the Eastern calendar, created almost three thousand years ago. According to the eastern calendar there was a very important day, which usually falls on March 21. It was the day of the vernal equinox, which was called Nauryz that means "new day". Nauryz is one of the most ancient holidays in the East. It is reputed by the Kazakh and it is one of the most long-awaited and joyful events. This holiday appeared in the I millennium B.C.
  Nauryz is a holiday of renewal and spring. It is also called as eastern New Year. This holiday represents not only spring renewal but also friendship, love and fertility. People believed that on this day they got rid of the winter hardships and rejoiced for the welfare and safety of their main wealth of nomads - cattle. On this holiday people forgive all the insults and conflicts to each other and stop all quarrels and wars. For overcoming the difficulties adversity everyone tries to be in a good mood, hug each other and say the best wishes. People dress up nice and clean clothes and all people  wear traditional costumes. 
  The Kazakhs celebrate Nauryz in the same manner as other oriental peoples but they have their own individualities. Kazakh's attitude towards Nauryz is characterized by the fact that the boys who were born on the day of the vernal equinox, received the names of Nauryz-Bai, Nauryzbek, girls - just Nauryz, Nauryzgul. The main dish of the holiday is nauryz-koje or nauryzdyk which consists of seven ingredients symbolizing seven elements of life: meat, water, oil, flour, salt, cereals (rice, corn or wheat) and milk. The number 7 is a fortunate number for the Kazakh that is why many festive ceremonies are connected with it. Likewise It represents the seven days of the week - the time unit of the universal eternity.
  Different kinds of games and competitions are organized during the three days of the holiday where adults and the youth, children and women take an active part. During celebration of Nauryz, the Kazakh(s) visit their friends and relatives, they can often see people saying "Koktem Tudy" – Congratulation on Spring Day! Furthermore absolutely unknown people who are greeting you can wishing well-being. Contest of folk singers – akyns who  glorify Nauryz in their songs are also appear on stage  held during the holiday celebration in Kazakhstan. Moreover a variety of dance and theater performances, representing national traditions and rituals, attract people and teach them to follow their culture and their native mother-land, to strive for the preservation of peace and understanding between different ethnic groups and to be tolerance towards other nationalities in Kazakhstan. 
  Nowadays, the ancient Nauryz holiday is obviously popularly beloved in modern life of Kazakhstan society and has a significant role in strengthening political stability, friendship and peace.

Seoung Hee (Sarah) Yoo, Process Analysis essay, Tue 56

How to gain financial stability while being broke

Everyone has had the excruciating experience of being broke. It could have been the result of miscalculating finances, simply spending too much, losing a job or a bad economy. It is needless to explain the agony and frustration that come along with being broke. On the upside, there are various ways to overcome this hurdle from these three simple steps.

The first step is to calculate where you spend most of your money. Do you spend a lot of money socializing? Do you dine out often? After seeing where most of the expenditure go to, this is the starting point of where you make your financial cuts. When you are broke, you are no longer in a situation to afford luxuries. In simpler terms, you cannot spend money on things that are not necessary. Cut down drinking, dining out, attending social functions or events and so on.

After making all the financial cuts, the next biggest objective is to save. Many people do not realize that saving even coins, can make a big difference to their finance. At the time, a couple of petty coins may look worthless. However, over time, it can accumulate to surprisingly large sums of money. Therefore, start saving money from the small things. Restrain yourself from buying a cup of coffee every day. When you go shopping, buy non-branded products. Take public transportation and make a coin collection. Try to save as must as you possibly can.

The last step is to make a budget every week. Only calculate the amount of money you need in order to survive and refrain yourself from overspending or exceeding the margin. You may wonder if you can survive this situation. However, you need to learn how to live off from the minimal amount of money and resources. Learn how to recycle used products and re-use it as cleaning utensils so that you don't have to spend extra money. Don't use too much electricity or gas at home because ultimately, they sum to money. Learn how to entertain yourself without the use of technology like reading a book. It may look impossible, however, as long as you have the determination, there will be immediate changes to your finances.

After following these three simple steps, you will eventually escape the torment of being broke in no time. When you do, don't forget continuously make budgets and calculate your expenditure to maintain your financial stability.

Darina Yerezhepova/How to persuade successfully/Tuesday 5 6

All of us encounter situations, when someone's opinion is different from yours. Taking into account that everyone considers their own opinion as the only correct one, having persuasiveness in your arsenal will really facilitate the achievement of victory in any debate. Here I am presenting you three steps of successful persuasion: self-confidence, persuasiveness of speech, producing strong arguments.

The first thing you must have to win in an argument is confidence in the truthfulness and accuracy of your point of view. To change or to form an opinion of a person, to rouse them to an action you must clearly understand your intentions and be deeply confident in the validity of your concepts and ideas. From a psychological point of view, it is easier for self-confident people to fight their corner than for diffident people.

Next, make your speech full of persuasiveness, which is depends on its structuredness - reasonableness, consistency and logic. Structuredness of speech provides an opportunity for more accessible and understandable explanation of the main points. Your speech should be obvious, clear and informative - be sure it is not confusing and chaotic. Divide the main provisions thoughts and ideas into several parts and think about smooth transitions showing the relationship of one part of speech to another. The persuasiveness of speech suggests the correctness of the construction of speech, which includes literacy (non-use of filler words and words of probability and  use of appropriate vocabulary) and verbal contact with an opponent.

Finally, produce a strong argument in support of your idea. Mostly, people are rational and do what they are not profitable for them very rarely, almost never. Therefore, it would be necessary to convince the person to find good arguments to explain the justification and feasibility of the proposal. Arguments must answer the question of why we need to believe in something or act a certain way. Take measure of your arguments you want to lead and think if they are suitable in a particular case with an particular audience. After weigh the pros and cons, choose 2-3 most effective arguments from the remaining.

Persuasiveness  is a very important skill for everyone who wants to be a leader. If you learn the tips mentioned above - self-confidence, persuasiveness of speech, producing strong arguments  you will be able not only use them in real world, but also determine if someone tries to influence you with their help.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

HUANGKUNYANG/How to meaningful live in university/Tue56

The meaningful life is expected to achieve for student in university. However, One 
year ago, I heard what my friend said that it is bored for student to study in university. Especially,

when you live and study in foreign country. In contrast, I think if only you make some plans,

it is great meaningful for you to happily live in foreign country.

     A plan about studying can make you give your whole attention to study. Some foreign

student want to achieve graduation certificate, but they don't want to hard study and always

think it is so difficult to listen classes as a foreign student, certainly, not to mention to finish

assignment. In fact, these all aren't reasons, the cause is that you don't make a detail plan

which let yourself realize responsibility of studying. When you have a detail learning plan, you

will have motivation and determination to finish it. Thus, you not only achieve knowledge,

but also get though happy and meaningful life of university.

     Another plan about working can help you achieve social experience and practice local

language. Expect studying, when you have spare time, not equal to work, let you have a

entertainment time to adapt local country life and know local people's life custom. When

you communicate with local people, It not only practice your local language, but also crease

your working experience. Can't this let you use full free time to get thought meaningful life?

     Sometimes, you can make some friends (all countries friends) and produce some plans

to experience the public culture. For example, you can prepare a party to celebrate. Every

friend all can use their country's celebrate ways to decorate party scene. Thus, every country

students all show their custom and spread their culture, let all friends deeply understand each

other and crease friendship.

     In conclusion, if you make some studying plan, life plan and entertainment plan in usual

life, you will can use enough your all time. In other words, if you can let yourself become

busy, you will feel time fast pass. At the moment, you maybe lament time is so short. Where

bored life is ?