How to apply one-day contact lenses on tiny eyes
My friends used to make fun of me that my eyes look like button hole but I did not care about it because I think it's not that serious. And it was New Year's Day that my families were gathered after a long time. During the meal my uncle chuckled and said "Hey son, you're getting taller whenever I see you but your eyes are getting smaller." Of course I knew it was a joke but one-day contact lenses were what I bought instead of new glasses. But I faced with harsh reality that my eyes are not big enough to apply (and it's also what optician said) lenses easily though I learned few ways to make easier to do it.
Before trying to apply lenses, it is wise for you to choose where to do it. For example, when I tried it first time, I did it in bathroom and this idea was quite wrong. I thought bathroom is a perfect place because it has big mirror above sink and I didn't know what would happen if I fail to do it. It was hard to do than I thought and I failed several times. And when I tried again for the fourth time I calmed myself down and looked in the mirror and then realized that a lens was not on my finger. It pissed me off so badly and I tried to find lens cursing it loudly but had no idea where it was. The lens were so tiny (but rather big to apply on my tiny eyes, got me more resentful), transparent and even not a color lens. I finally found it stuck in drain hole and could not get it out. It sometimes happened even when I used to applying lenses. So it's better to choose the place where you can easily find the lens in case of dropping it until you have got skilled.
If you found proper place it's time to put your lens on your finger. I really want to tell you which hand and which finger is the best but I can't. Optician said to me that right hand would be good if I am right-hander. I trusted him entirely so when I applied lenses in the first time I tried with my middle finger of right hand. The result was constant fails and several sink-hole-drops. It was after a number of infuriating times and blaming on my tiny eyes that I decided to use other fingers or another hand. And I found that the forefinger of left hand is the best for me that was directly opposite to what optician said. So I recommend you to try all! Forefinger or middle finger of right hand and same fingers of left hand are your possible choices. Just don't try with your ring finger or little finger.
Now you look into your left or right eye in the mirror. The eye is diamond shape and usually pupil is exposed completely in the middle of your eye. But in case of small eyes like mine, the pupil is not exposed enough even though you located in the middle. So you should find perfect position that your pupil is most exposed and spread your eyelid with your fingers. Let me suppose for example that you decide to put lens on your forefinger of your left hand. Then you pull up the upper eyelid with fore or middle finger of your right hand. At this moment, the most important thing is you should pull up eye lashes either. Usually people think that the blink when lens reach the pupil is main cause of failure but for the tiny eyed man, it's hardly the issue as compared to the eyelash problem. It is so hard to control eyelashes with finger that I even thought the lashes have a sense of themselves so desperately trying to do their job which is protecting the eyes from the foreign substances (when I failed in the fifth time I felt like want to pluck them all). Anyway you should do the same thing with the lower eyelid with your middle finger of your left hand and put the lens on the pupil slowly. If you put eyelashes away perfectly, the lens slide and cling to pupil freely. And close your eye and wait few seconds until the lens is settled. You succeed? Then now you can do with your opposite eye more easily.
Actually there are no particularly fixed ways to apply contact lenses on your eyes but the above contents are what I experienced so I hope it would be a help to the tiny eyed people who want to use contact lenses. And I would add, one-day contact lenses are slightly bigger than other kind of lenses so it's good to choose other kind like hard-type lenses. Or just keep using glasses is also recommended for your mental health. But if you keep in mind the tips derived from my own experiences and try several times without giving up, you'll get more beautiful and big eyes.
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