when you live and study in foreign country. In contrast, I think if only you make some plans,
it is great meaningful for you to happily live in foreign country.
A plan about studying can make you give your whole attention to study. Some foreign
student want to achieve graduation certificate, but they don't want to hard study and always
think it is so difficult to listen classes as a foreign student, certainly, not to mention to finish
assignment. In fact, these all aren't reasons, the cause is that you don't make a detail plan
which let yourself realize responsibility of studying. When you have a detail learning plan, you
will have motivation and determination to finish it. Thus, you not only achieve knowledge,
but also get though happy and meaningful life of university.
Another plan about working can help you achieve social experience and practice local
language. Expect studying, when you have spare time, not equal to work, let you have a
entertainment time to adapt local country life and know local people's life custom. When
you communicate with local people, It not only practice your local language, but also crease
your working experience. Can't this let you use full free time to get thought meaningful life?
Sometimes, you can make some friends (all countries friends) and produce some plans
to experience the public culture. For example, you can prepare a party to celebrate. Every
friend all can use their country's celebrate ways to decorate party scene. Thus, every country
students all show their custom and spread their culture, let all friends deeply understand each
other and crease friendship.
In conclusion, if you make some studying plan, life plan and entertainment plan in usual
life, you will can use enough your all time. In other words, if you can let yourself become
busy, you will feel time fast pass. At the moment, you maybe lament time is so short. Where
bored life is ?
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